‘Cornerstone: The Delving’ (the sequel to ‘Raising Rook’) is being featured on author Ali Isaac’s Friday Fiction blog! Head on over to the link below for a sneak peek, review, and other goodies, and don’t forget to take a look at Ali’s wonderful Conor Kelly series and other works!
Tag: Raising Rook
Five copies of the paperback version of Cornerstone: Raising Rook (Book ONE in the series) will be available for giveaway at the link below starting May 15 and ending May 31.
You’ll need to be a Goodreads member or sign up (free). The giveaway is in anticipation of the release of the second book in the series, Cornerstone: The Delving, on May 25th. In addition, there’ll be a Kindle Countdown sale starting the 25th and ending the 31st if you’d prefer the ebook version of Raising Rook – starting at just .99!
The Cornerstone books are modern fantasy fiction, geared for adults but suitable for teens and up, featuring a unique set of circumstances and characters. Reviewers appreciate the fresh ideas and approach. See the description on the book page, and get your name in soon!