Category: publication

wooden cane with metal scrollwork

Teaser: Caduceus

This object figures in Book Two of the Cornerstone series (Cornerstone: The Delving), due out in May or June. Readers may remember it from the first book. In The Delving, it changes hands. Is this ultimately a good thing or a bad? Depends on whose side you’re on…

wooden cane with metal scrollwork

A draft in the hand is worth…

It’s been a while, but I’ve finally got a draft in hand of the sequel to Cornerstone: Raising Rook (tentatively called Cornerstone: The Delving). After starting off fast, I stalled out, despite having written part of the last chapter and knowing where I needed to go, which is my usual technique. Then I wrote the last few chapters all in a rush when I finally got going again.

While it’s definitely satisfying to have an 80,000 word manuscript, there’s a lot more to do: general editing, consistency, timeline checks, removing parts that don’t fit or are unnecessary, adding new parts, proofreading, re-reading, re-re-reading, re-re-re-reading – yeah. Not to mention formal editing, formatting for ebook and paperback, and commissioning cover art.  But it feels like an Accomplishment, and at least somewhat like a relief.

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