Category: Horror genre

Free for Halloween

Now through Halloween – free downloadable short story (in pdf) available exclusively through my website! Creepy but not too scary, in the tradition of campfire stories. This story was originally written for the 2014 version of ‘Of Words And Water’, the annual charity anthology.

Click here to go to the website:

Cornerstone: The Delving released

I’m pleased to announce that Cornerstone: The Delving (the sequel to Cornerstone: Raising Rook) has been released for Kindle (click the link). Paperback version should be coming soon; watch here for updates.

Don’t forget that Raising Rook is available for Goodreads giveaway through the 31st AND there’s a Kindle Countdown going on as well! Get your first book free or cheap, then continue with The Delving.

And don’t keep Rook waiting. He’s getting…impatient.

Cover for The Delving

A draft in the hand is worth…

It’s been a while, but I’ve finally got a draft in hand of the sequel to Cornerstone: Raising Rook (tentatively called Cornerstone: The Delving). After starting off fast, I stalled out, despite having written part of the last chapter and knowing where I needed to go, which is my usual technique. Then I wrote the last few chapters all in a rush when I finally got going again.

While it’s definitely satisfying to have an 80,000 word manuscript, there’s a lot more to do: general editing, consistency, timeline checks, removing parts that don’t fit or are unnecessary, adding new parts, proofreading, re-reading, re-re-reading, re-re-re-reading – yeah. Not to mention formal editing, formatting for ebook and paperback, and commissioning cover art.  But it feels like an Accomplishment, and at least somewhat like a relief.

Book Review: Village of the Dead

Village of the Dead Book Cover Village of the Dead
Secret Souls
Jacob Stanley

Well, this was one of those books I should probably not have read directly before going to bed! In the best tradition of horror, much of the creepiness is not overt - it’s just a feeling you get. A feeling like something is about to go very wrong, but you’re not sure what.

This is the first of what is apparently a novella series, and here we’re introduced to a land that’s fallen out of time and space, in which dwell Stephen-King-like characters issuing vague threats. It’s well-written, easy to read, and fun, in a disturbing sort of way. The main characters are relatable and distinct, and there’s a suggestion of mystery and more to come.

Definitely recommended for horror aficionados and fans of the off-beat.

Oh, and watch out for the cats!

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