Five copies of the paperback version of Cornerstone: Raising Rook (Book ONE in the series) will be available for giveaway at the link below starting May 15 and ending May 31.

Cornerstone Giveaway

You’ll need to be a Goodreads member or sign up (free). The giveaway is in anticipation of the release of the second book in the series, Cornerstone: The Delving, on May 25th. In addition, there’ll be a Kindle Countdown sale starting the 25th and ending the 31st if you’d prefer the ebook version of Raising Rook – starting at just .99!

The Cornerstone books are modern fantasy fiction, geared for adults but suitable for teens and up, featuring a unique set of circumstances and characters. Reviewers appreciate the fresh ideas and approach. See the description on the book page, and get your name in soon!

Raising Rook book cover

Raising Rook book cover